COAF Mask and Vaccine Policy

Hello, Rocky Squad!

It’s Rosa, Colorado Anime Fest’s con chair. I said before that we’d visit our COVID-19 policy closer to the convention when we had a better picture of how things were looking. Now that we’re into 2022, we wanted to take a moment to give you an update of where they stand.

We’ve made the decision to change our policies to match the times and protect us all from uncontrolled COVID spread. Here’s a basic overview of our new COVID-related policies: vaccines and masks will be required this year. For more information, please see our full COVID-19 Policy, which includes additional details.

Why are we doing this?

The science on COVID-19 is clear. Masks and vaccines save lives. Here at Colorado Anime Fest, community safety is and will always be our first priority. I’m focusing on the good health and safety of you, my staff, and all the guests, vendors, hotel team members and others who make the show possible. The last thing we want to do is put someone who is more vulnerable in a situation of unprotected exposure, so we’re doing our best to create the best, safe scene possible for our show this year. I appreciate your support and cooperation in this.


We require that attendees be as vaccinated as possible, which for most people includes a booster dose if eligible. This requirement also extends to our staff, panelists, vendors, artists, and guests. As of this writing, children under five years old aren’t eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Because we’re announcing these rules after pre-registration has opened, if you’re unable or unwilling to meet these requirements, we’re opening up a refund window through February 28. You can also roll over your badge to COAF 2023, when the need for such measures will hopefully be behind us. To request a refund or rollover, send an e-mail to and provide the names on the badges you wish to be refunded or rolled over.

Please note: we will not accept negative COVID-19 tests in lieu of vaccination.


Masks will be required in public areas of the convention space for people two years and older, though exceptions will be made while actively eating or drinking in designated areas. We recommend you follow the CDC guidance of N95 or KN94 well-fit masks, but by now we know you have your favorite style and hope you’ll show it off. We may even have a contest in the works for the most creative masks!

Certain types of masks aren’t allowed: gaiters, bandanas, and mesh masks are not protective masks and will not be permitted. Masks with holes cut in them are not acceptable. Other types of protective face coverings, like face shields and single-ply fabric masks, need to be paired with an acceptable mask to pass muster. Attendees who don’t have an acceptable mask will be offered one for free and asked to wear it.

Have questions?

We’re happy to answer them on any of our social media outlets, or email

COAF 2022Greg Hines