
Thank you for your interest in becoming press at Colorado Anime Fest! We are pleased to open applications for professional and amateur press to join us this year.

Press outlets, regardless of tier, are expected to provide coverage of the convention posted/printed no later than one month after the convention ends, providing us a copy as proof of coverage. (This can be a PDF or link to the publication.) If you need longer, communicate with us, and we can work with you. Your outlet will be evaluated year-to-year to ensure quality and professionalism.

All press outlets are evaluated individually by our press department and placed into one of two tiers. Emerging Press and Credentialed Press.

Photographers: Anyone can bring a camera into COAF and photograph. If you wish to receive press access, you must meet the same requirements outlined as other press outlets. Please note: if you are accepted as Press, you may not charge for photo sessions unless you have also purchased a credentialed photographer ribbon [link to credentialed info].  

Emerging Press Pass

If you are an amateur journalist, a journalism student, part of a school news team, a photographer/photojournalist, represent an organization founded less than a year before our event, and/or do not meet the listed Credentialed Press requirements, you are considered Emerging Press. There is a limit of two badges per organization for Emerging Press (If you need more, please contact us to request). 

Emerging Press Passes feature:

  • Complimentary weekend pass to COAF

  • Early entry into panels/events for if space is available. First-come first-served. Photographers may use this entry to secure a seat to photograph from. COAF at this time does not have photo pits available to press. 

Credentialed Press Pass

Credentialed Press is defined as an established news outlet. Your organization or outlet must be “active” based on your press type (see below). Credentialed Press organizations are generally granted up to four badges per team, but larger teams may be accepted.

Credentialed Press Passes feature:

  • Complimentary weekend pass to COAF

  • Early entry into panels/events for if space is available. First-come first-served. Photographers may use this entry to secure a seat to photograph from. COAF at this time does not have photo pits available to press.

  • The chance to request private interviews with our Guests of Honor. These are not guaranteed and must be requested/scheduled through our press department. 

Press Types and Qualifications

While Colorado Anime Fest welcomes a wide variety of press outlets, we do have a set of qualifications for what makes an outlet eligible for our press Pass. We will determine your eligibility based on the information you provide. We may respond to your application asking for additional information to determine eligibility.

Please note that meeting the minimum qualifications does not guarantee that your application will be accepted. Where applicable, preference will be given to those that focus on news, local events, and/or at least one of the following: Asian culture (reviews, critiques, or discussions) or Asian entertainment (Asian cinema, music, or movies).

Keep in mind that returning press are asked to provide a copy or and/or a link to any and all previous coverage of COAF. This will serve as a deciding factor in approval for following years.


At the time you apply, your news outlet must have been in production for at least a year. This can be online, newspaper, radio, or television news outlets. You must be able to show us that your news outlet is currently active.


At the time you apply, your print publication or organization must have been in production for at least a year. There must be visible updates at least once every three months.


At the time you apply, your blog or web-zine must have been in production for at least a year. It must be updated at least twice a month with new content and be on a public forum. If seeing your publication requires an account or payment, a trial account may be required for us to evaluate whether to approve your outlet.


To qualify for press Pass based on video blogs, you must be an active blogger/podcaster that has been active for more than a year at the time of applying. You must have at least three video/podcast episodes a month to be considered active.


At the time of the event, you must be enrolled in a Journalism track at a school of higher education (community college, university, etc.) and have a letter of acknowledgment or proof of required coursework/assignment from your professor. Proof of enrollment (unofficial transcript) is required at badge pick-up. High school students that are part of a high school news outlet may be accepted on a case-by-case basis, even if they are underage; please e-mail for details.


If your press type is not listed here, but you still think you would work well with our event, don’t hesitate to apply. There will be a space in the application for your outlet to explain what your medium is, as well as to show examples of your work. To qualify for this, we require that you be an active outlet for at least a year and a half at the time of applying. You must have at least six robust examples of your work to be considered. Less may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Applicants in this category may be required to apply as Emerging Press while we assess your first year covering our event.

Press Policies and Guidelines

All press will be held to the same code of conduct that applies to general attendees (with the exception of photography, access privileges, etc., as listed in the perks above). Please review the Convention Code of Conduct.

  • All press members must identify themselves to staff by having a Colorado Anime Fest press pass visible.

  • Any press pass holder must be age 18+ to qualify for press Pass unless they are a high school student with prior approval for Emerging Press

  • Photos of specific merchandise requires express approval from the vendor.

  • Use of flash photography must be approved at each event individually.

  • Each member of a press outlet that will be attending must complete a press application.

  • Press must follow any photography restrictions that apply to regular attendees, which may include restrictions at particular panels or events.

  • Offering or soliciting paid photographs or photoshoots is not allowed in convention space (either with a regular Pass or press Pass) without a Credentialed Photographer Ribbon.

Passes are limited and not all applications will be approved. The number of passes issued to an outlet is at the discretion of the Head of the Press Department. Members of a press outlet will each receive individual consideration of their qualifications. If it is found that a Pass has been requested under false pretenses, passes for that entire organization will not be approved and/or will be revoked. A press outlet may be approved for press pass at a different tier than the one they applied for.

To ensure the enjoyment and safety of Colorado Anime Fest attendees, Guests of Honor, staff, and other credentialed press, Colorado Anime Fest reserves the right to revoke any press pass at any time, for any reason. A press member who has their pass revoked may be restricted from returning to one of our events in the future, as press or a general attendee. Examples of behavior that may result in pass revocation include but are not limited to:

  • Violation of the Code of Conduct

  • Harassing a Guest of Honor

  • Bringing non-press, general attendees to interviews with Guests of Honor

  • Bringing non-press, general attendees into press-only areas without prior permission from Colorado Anime Fest

  • Engaging in unprofessional and/or inappropriate behavior during the event, as determined by Colorado Anime Fest staff

  • Approaching/soliciting guests of honor for interviews outside of the COAF press department. 

  • Requesting autographs or sketches outside the normal autograph sessions and/or disobeying the directions of Colorado Anime Fest staff manning autograph lines

  • Interfering with attendees’ enjoyment of the convention

  • Violating any Colorado Anime Fest policy, facility policy, or law not otherwise listed

Press Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do when I arrive?

When you arrive at the convention, you may pick up your press badge at the Press Office. If you are applying for press at the event, you will be asked to complete a form for approval. Without your press pass, you will not have access to the convention. Please wear your pass in a visible location at all times when you are in the convention space.

Please note: Valid, government-issued photo ID is required for press pass pickup. For identification purposes, each press passholder may only pick up their own personal pass. Please report lost or missing passes to the Press Office as soon as possible.

The Press Office will be staffed throughout the convention to assist you with any questions you may have.

How do I apply for a Press badge?

Please review the press Pass qualifications and submit a press application. We will receive applications online before our event as well as at the event. We will review the applications that have come in and send out acceptance or denial e-mails. If you have applied after March 15th, 2025, please contact the Colorado Anime Fest Press Department Head by e-mailing After this time, applications submitted may not receive e-mail confirmation, and can be approved on-site if needed.

What’s the difference between Emerging Press and Credentialed Press?

Credentialed Press may have opportunities to request interviews with guests of honor.

Can I approach a Guest of Honor to inquire about interview availability?

ALL interviews with guests of honor must be facilitated through our press department. If you are found to approach/solicit guests of honor your press access may be revoked and/or you may be removed from the convention.

How do I interview a Guest of Honor?

While press will be able to attend guest panels, some panels may not have press entry available. Some guests may be available for private press conferences and/or interviews. Press are encouraged to ask questions, but also share the time with other press and fans. Members of the press are absolutely not allowed to bring personal guests into the convention or into guest interviews. 

If you would like to conduct a one-on-one interview with a guest, please contact the Colorado Anime Fest Press Department Head for consideration. As we get closer to the event, an e-mail will go out verifying interview requests before schedules are made. This is to accommodate outlets that apply and are approved before the rest of our guests are announced. Any remaining interview openings will be assigned in the Press Office at the event. Credentialed Press are granted priority in scheduling and additional openings may be offered to Emerging Press outlets on a case-by-case basis.

What’s the difference between press pass approval and having a physical press pass?

A confirmation e-mail will not get you into the convention. You must pick up a physical pass at the Press Office. All members of the press must wear their passes at all times during the event when in convention space.

What do I need when I pick up my badge?

To pick up your badge if you have pre-registered, you will need to present all of the following items: 

  • A valid, government-issued photo ID

  • A business card or other form of press credentials

How do I obtain early access for panels, or special events like the cosplay competition?

Arrive early to the event and show the staff at the door your press badge for early access when available. Staff reserve the right to refuse entry or remove you from the event space at any time. COAF does not reserve press seating and if you arrive late to the event or after seating has begun, the seating available to general attendees is the same available to you.

Note: Colorado Anime Fest retains the right to revoke any Pass at any time for any reason whatsoever.