Past Conventions

COAF 2016

Dates: February 12–14, 2016
Location: Renaissance Denver Stapleton
Guests: Matthew Mercer, Chris Patton, Marisha Ray, Chris Sabat, Ciarán Strange, Cristina Vee, and Greg Wicker.
Charity: ALS Association: Rocky Mountain Chapter
Funds Raised: $1,100
Attendees: 1,691 (unique) / 3,379 (turnstile)
⬇️ Program Guide (PDF)
⬇️ Programming Schedule (PDF)

COAF 2017

Dates: March 24–26, 2017
Location: Renaissance Denver Stapleton
Guests: Steve Blum, Samurai Dan and Jillian Coglan, Caitlin Glass, Lauren Landa, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, Erica Mendez, Ciarán Strange, Karen Strassman, and Greg Wicker.
Charity: Urban Peak
Funds Raised: $4,902 (bumped to $5,000)
Attendees: 1,934 (unique) / 4,164 (turnstile)
⬇️ Program Guide (PDF)
⬇️ Programming Schedule (PDF)

COAF 2018

Dates: March 23–25, 2018
Renaissance Denver Stapleton
Guests: Samurai Dan and Jillian Coglan, Erica Lindbeck, Joel McDonald, Amanda Miller, Cassandra Lee Morris, Ciarán Strange, David Vincent, and Greg Wicker.
Charity: Youth on Record
Funds Raised: $8,698 (bumped to $9,001)
Attendees: 2,430 (unique) / 5,514 (turnstile)
⬇️ Program Guide (PDF)
⬇️ Programming Schedule (PDF)

COAF 2019

Dates: April 19–21, 2019
Denver Marriott Tech Center
Guests: Bryn Apprill, Terri Doty, Chuck Huber, Lauren Landa, Jason Marsden, Daman Mills, Jād Saxton, Ciarán Strange, Kirk Thornton, and Austin Tindle.
Charity: People House
Funds Raised: $7,232 (bumped to $8,000)
Attendees: 3,136 (unique) / 6,898 (turnstile)
⬇️ Program Guide (PDF)
⬇️ Programming Schedule (PDF)

COAF 2020 & 2021

Colorado Anime Fest 2020 and 2021 were canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

COAF 2022

Dates: April 15–17, 2022
Denver Marriott Tech Center
Guests: J’Adore Cosplay, SungWon Cho (ProZD), Khoi Dao, Chris Hackney, Emi Lo, Xander Mobus, Laura Stahl, Ciarán Strange, Abby Trott, Sarah Anne Williams, DJ GreenFlöw, DJ OpM, DJ Scottaconda, and DJ Wazzy.
Charity: Lending a Hand
Funds Raised: $6,605 (bumped to $7,500)
Attendees: 4,658 (unique) / 10,492 (turnstile)
⬇️ Programming Schedule (PDF)

COAF 2023

Dates: March 10–12, 2023
Location: Denver Marriott Tech Center
Guests: Kira Buckland, Griffin Burns, Lucien Dodge, Jerry Jewell, Kyle McCarley, Erica Mendez, Nathanael Platier, Jonah Scott, Keith Silverstein, Ciarán Strange, Teca Cosplay, Riss Zanfei, BotoMaki, DJ GreenFlöw, DJ Liquid86, Kumo City, and Ready or Not.
Charity: There With Care
Funds Raised: $7,794 (bumped to $9,000)
Attendees: 4,838 (unique) / 9,782 (turnstile)
⬇️ Programming Schedule (PDF)

COAF 2024

Dates: March 15–17, 2024
Location: Denver Marriott Tech Center
Guests: Ryan Bartley, Bill Butts, BotoMaki, Ricco Fajardo, GreenFlöw, Bridget Hoffman, Jinrei, Maddy Kate Cosplay, Faye Mata, Joel McDonald, Tony Oliver, Nathanael Platier, Porkcutlett Cosplay, Revolution Boi, Jonah Scott, and Ciarán Strange.
Charity: Cap for Kids
Funds Raised: $9,856 (bumped to $12,000)
Attendees: 4,687 (unique) / 9,099 (turnstile)
⬇️ Programming Schedule (PDF)


COAF 2025

Dates: March 21–23, 2025
Location: Denver Marriott Tech Center
Funds Raised:
⬇️ Programming Schedule (PDF)



There are many different ways of reporting convention attendance numbers, and every convention reports theirs differently. Our totals are based on: weekend badges, VIP badges, Friday badges, Saturday badges, and Sunday badges. All numbers include both pre-registration and on-site registration for adults and children over six. (Children six and under get in free, so they’re not included in our paid attendance totals.)

Unique attendance numbers represent the number of distinct individuals that pay to attend the convention. To reach this number, each badge sold is counted once, regardless of badge type or how many days the person attended. This is our preferred way to view attendance and is the basis for our official attendance numbers.

Turnstile attendance numbers represent the number of times attendees likely visit the convention. To reach this number, weekend and VIP badges are counted three times each and day badges are counted once each. We’re not fans of turnstile counts because they artificially inflate attendance numbers, but we present it here for completeness and for the sake of comparison to other shows that only provide turnstile numbers.

These numbers are not a “warm body” count. They don’t include artists, guests, industry, panelists, performers, photographers, press, staff members, vendors, or volunteers. Those groups of people are necessary to make COAF what it is, and they amount to a few hundred people each year. But we feel the best measure of a con’s success is the number of people who pay to attend the show, not how many badges we can give away—even if that means our attendance numbers don’t look as big compared to some other cons.